Hi! You can call me karakuliiii(duh) or sasha
any pronouns (they/them preferred maybe)
HEY WHAT IS THIS?? This is my personal website! I mainly use it to store everything i make or enjoy in one neat place(and of naturaly to express myself)!
click around, look at stuff, have fun!!
(for now works best on desktop, firefox)
log time
03.02.25 Redid my entire homepage, very pleased with how it came out(a huge improvement over the first version for sure). It definitely needs some tweeking, but it'll do for now. I also added a new comic!!
college life is kind of taking a toll on me, there is just too much to do, but whatever i'll get through it. Want to update the artpage in near future, so heads up for that :^]
16.01.25 Added an about me page and tweaked some sstuff all around
It has been only two weeks and i already want to remake the homepage lol. But it will have to wait cuz i need to tweak the about me page, make the stuff page and whatever comes with it.
In other news i got really into clay and customizing clothes recently! It's really nice to make something besides drawings i guess.
01.01.25.Happy new year everyone!
This time i got my art page to work properly, added comics and gifs sections(and even made pages for two of my comics!!)
i really like how to site is turning out, i'm very excited to work on this more. I'm kind of obsessed actually
29.12.24.This thing is my first attempt at a website, it's a hot mess right now, but i'll figure it out.
Eventually i plan to make pages for my art,comics and all sorts of goofy stuff. Right now the links should take you to my socials